Saturday, October 19, 2019

Welfare and Poverty in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Welfare and Poverty in America - Essay Example This is because of the particular socio political situation exists in that country. For an understanding of the welfare measures and poverty in America, we have to discuss the history of America from its existence. America was a land of large animals. Human beings entered this land for hunting these animals. The first people reached North America did not realized that they had crossed into a new continent. They had been following hunting entertainment which their ancestors had for thousands of years, along the Siberian coast and then across the land bridge. It takes thousands of years for North Americans to construct a new land which is now known as United States. Evidence of early life in North America continues to be found. Little of it, however, can be reliably dated before 12,000 B.C.; a recent discovery of a hunting lookout in northern Alaska, for example, may date from almost that time. So too may the finely crafted spear points and items found near Clovis, New Mexico. It is believed that life was established in North and South America prior to 10,000 BC. Slowly people started agricultural practices in this land. The Native Americans started cultivating corn, squash and beans in 8,000 BC in Central Mexico. Slowly this had spread to northern parts. Adenans are said to be the first Native American group. They construct shelter around 600 BC. Of late these Adenans were replaced by various groups called Hopewellians. There centre of activities were around Southern Ohio. These groups are considered to be traders and exchanged tools and materials in wide range of area. By A D 500, These Hopewellians disappeared and appeared Mississippians. They had expertise in hunting, foraging, trading, and agriculture for their food and supplies. Influenced by the thriving societies to the south, they evolved into complex hierarchical

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