Thursday, October 17, 2019

Meth Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Meth Study - Essay Example Hence in a long term user of methamphetamine, there is the likelihood of having experienced methamphetamine in its various forms (Christophersen, 2000) Methamphetamine can be administered through several routes inclusive of smoking, snorting, orally and intravenously using its crystalline form (Methamphetamine Information: history of methamphetamine). Effects of methamphetamine use could vary depending on the route of administration. For example when crystalline form of methamphetamine is used intravenously, there is a rapid increase in blood pressure. Repeated intravenous use of methamphetamine could thus enhance the risk of arteriosclerosis (Berankova, Habrdova, Balikova & Strejc, 2005) These two factors increase the relevance of the history of the misuse of methamphetamine in a long term user, in studies related to methamphetamine misuse. This is the main limitation in methamphetamine misuse studies, as reliable history may not be available. According to Colfax (2005), confusion is demonstrated by individuals addicted to methamphetamine. This means that reliable history of misuse cannot be got from the concerned individual. Tests and analysis of blood and urine are not capable of providing sufficient information relating to the history of the misuse. This limitation on the availability of sufficient and reliable information makes it difficult to correlate reliably the results available to the toxic effects demonstrated by the long term use of methamphetamine (Berankova, Habrdova, Balikova & Strejc, 2005) Ferri (2006), points out that methamphetamine has a highly and almost immediate addictive nature. Animal studies confirm the highly addictive nature of methamphetamine and indicate the effects of the long term use of methamphetamine. Results from animal findings have led to the hypothesis that long term use of methamphetamine causes reduction in the dopaminergic activity. This drop in dopaminergic activity is believed to be due the

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