Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Acute Care for Elders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Acute Care for Elders - Essay Example This figure translates to an increasing expenditure on health care to the point of divesting budget from other social services. Statistics show that 10% to 12% of the total health care budget is spent for the aged (CSHRF, 2004). This population also accounts for 13% of the country's total hospitalization (Amador et al, 2007). This scenario brings us to the question of "how can the cost of dying be reduced so that the aged and terminal patients opt for spending their last days in care of any kind to reap the maximum benefit in producing a successful, healthy, productive and active aging". One of the popular responses to the growing economic cost of dying is the removal of "aggressive life-sustaining interventions for dying patients" (Ezekiel J. Emanuel, 1994). The use of pre-need plans such as Medicare is already very much popular. In this paper, we ascertain as to what degree they are used by the patients. This forms essential part of the economic cost of dying as pre-need plans is a form of savings for death. Amador, L.F., Reed, D. and Lehman, C.A. (2007). The acute care for Elders: Taking the rehabilitation model into the Hospital setting. Rehabilitation Nursing, Vol. 32, No. 3, p. 126-132. ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source. CSHRF Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, (2004

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